For something like that, you'd have to set up a custom cron job to do that.  Just the
basic configs for fetchmail won't let you do something like that.

So you'd have to set up a cron, saying, on certain days, between the hours of __ and __
run fetchmail, then run it at __ on the weekends.  It's been a while since I've set up
a cron, so I'm not sure how to go about it.  Check the docs, and I'm sure there are
people on the list that are proficient with setting up a cron job.

T. Holmes
UIN:  17021091
"Real Men Use Vi!"

10:04PM  up 8 days,  9:06, 3 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Hi!
| Did anyone know how to configure a fetchmail running as schedule. I like to
| run my fetchmail only in office hour . Saturday and Sunday only run at
| mid-night in every 1 hour
| Best Regards,

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