
Thank you all.  I went ahead and changed the setting in interactivebastille.  
Not sure what had to be done next, but I ended up having to reboot in order 
get the change to kick in.  Is it suppose to work this way?  In any case, the 
issue is not an issue any longer.  But something else has come up, which I 
think is also due to the firewall.

Before installing the firewall I was able to access the hard drive on my 
winbox (I have a two pc lan.  One pc is a dedicated winbox, the other is a 
dual boot winbox/linux.  I am referring to the dedicated winbox).  After the 
installation I cannot access it as a standard user.  I can reach it as root, 
but more interestingly(troublesome), even as root I can't change the 
permissions for it.  Any suggestions???  Thanks again...


On Tuesday 02 October 2001 16:38, Peter Watson wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 October 2001 20:25 pm, Admin wrote:
> > Hello:
> >
> > Yesterday, I installed Bastille and as far as I could tell everything was
> > configured properly.  I installed the program while in a user's directory
> > (not root) but as root in a terminal (hope it makes sense).  Well, in any
> > case, I typed exit at the terminal to get back into user, but when I
> > tried to regain roots I got this error message:  File Size Limit
> > Exceeded.  Any ideas what the problem might be and/or possibly the fix? 
> > I checked the partitions by typing "df" and as far as I can tell, I have
> > plenty of room left (I have pasted a copy of the output below):
> >
> > Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/hda5             2.3G  1.2G  938M  58% /
> > /dev/hda7             1.5G   31M  1.4G   2% /home
> > /dev/hda1              33G  3.4G   29G  10% /mnt/windows
> >
> > I can still log out and log in as root, but I rather not have to do it. 
> > I normally will type "su" at the terminal when I need to perform root
> > functions.  Thanks....
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Dexter
> Paul Rodriguez recently said in response to a similer query:--
> The file size limit you are experiencing is a result of an option you
> set "Would you like to put limits on system resource usage?"  In the
> past I have had to choose "no" in order to avoid the issue you are
> experiencing.
> Perhaps you should rerun interactive bastille and change this option

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