On Thursday 04 October 2001 10:45 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> I've been using 2.4.10 all day and I can't see any difference from
> Mandrake 8.1's 2.4.8 kernel. The VM is just as bad as before:
> $ free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers    
> cached Mem:           249        229         19          0          9
>         84 -/+ buffers/cache:        136        112
> Swap:          200        103         96
> As can be seen in the above "free -m" output, I am using 103MB of
> Swap even though I have 112MB of RAM free (excluding cache).

This is mine just now (everything under / is RieserFS, 2.4.10):

         total       used       free     shared    buffers   cached
Mem:      500        492          8          0         61      285
-/+ buffers/cache:    146        354
Swap:     180          0        179

    I've never used any /swap since some kernel MM problems in the 
early 2.4.1 (IIRC) kernels.  'top  <Shift+m>' (sort by mem) shows  
1543 root      12   0  109M  28M  1996 S     0.1  5.7   8:12 X
 only using 28 MB (objectprelink'd KDE2.2.1) as the biggest memory user.
1783 tom       18   0 22092  21M  3316 S     0.0  4.3  17:36 gqview
 Gqview is running a fullscreen slideshow (48,500+ files, 8 sec ea.) as 
my background on all 4 desktops is next at 21 MB.  Next users of any 
consequence are:

2196 tom        9   0 17660  17M  7516 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 kppp
9782 tom        9   0 15720  15M 12288 S     0.0  3.0   0:09 kmail
1793 tom        9   0 15408  15M 11292 S     0.0  3.0   0:32 kdeinit
1787 tom        9   0 11092  10M  9572 S     0.0  2.1   0:02 kdeinit
9495 tom       12   0 10636  10M  9048 R     0.5  2.0   0:02 kdeinit
1993 tom        9   0 10136 9.8M  8780 S     0.0  1.9   0:00 kdeinit
   I believe any work station system with >= 128 MB ram, and getting 
into swap more than just a touch or even at all, probly has hardware 
and or configuration problems.
        Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
Admiral Yamamoto:  "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
 sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve."

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