Gidday Dechao

You could try to get hold of a copy of nortons utilities for mac.
When I started my current job, they had  lost a Mac server harddrive (and didn't have
it backed up) and I rebuilt it using nortons.
It was tediuous, I had to run it many many times before I got 99% of the data back.
It would run for a while, fix a few errors and then appear to lock up. Reboot, try
again, get a bit further etc..

Another way would be to buy some data recovery software from somewhere like (I'm sure there are others)
I used their software 3 years ago when windoze lost a whole pile of data (that also
wasn't backed up). It wasn't able to rebuild the directory tree but managed to get
the data ok (It was a bit expensive)

Isn't there a second FAT (on all discs that use FAT)? Somewhere I recall reading
something about it and a way of (or tool for)  replacing the first table with the
second, but I've no chance of remembering where. :-{ Sorry.

As I'm a newbie with Linux, I haven't come across anything in this area.

Hope this helps

Dechao Wang asked on Friday, October 19
> I know this may be off topic, but any ideas or help with this would be
> very useful!
> Is there any possibility of trying to recover data from my corrupted
> drive?
> The drive is a portable 20Gb Amacom 'flip disk', that apparently has a
> Toshiba hard drive installed.  It has USB connectivity & is configured
> for
> PC (although I used it on a mac & it contains about 15Gb of data from a
> mac).  I have already returned it to Amacom but besides saying that the
> 'FAT' (file allocation table?) was corrupted, they couldn't do anything
> with
> it.
> Many thanks in advance!
> Dech


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