Hi all,

I wanted to install the cooker 2.4.12-3enterprise kernel,
I can't be bothered compiling my own nowdays, if the standard does what I
want, thats usually good enough for me.

So I downloaded the i586 rpm, I downloaded the 2.4.12-3 kernel headers and
attempted to install them..

I got no modules, and a lot of unresolved module links as a result, (all of

so I downloaded the source, and installed that, (like I said, I don't really
want to compile the whole thing, but as you can imagine, I need modules. :-)

Can anyone tell me how to install the binary 2.4.12-3 enterprise kernel so
that I have modules?

of is the enterprise a cut down kernel for servers or something??   what
replaced 2.2.19-4.1mdksecure kernel for 2.4?  ie the secure kernel??



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