Hi Guys and Gals,,

Did you people know that XP home will only network with 5 PC's peer to peer,
?? it doesn't support domain networking at all
and has a maximium of 5 PC's it can network with...

I just saw this in an M$ email (directly from M$)...


Important Notice:  No Domain support in Windows XP Home edition

Windows XP Home edition is designed exclusively for home use.  As such it
enables peer-to-peer networking for a maximum of 5 PC’s, but DOES NOT
support centralized, domain-based networking.

Windows XP Professional is designed for businesses of all sizes and is
required for a PC to connect to a domain.  In addition, the Professional
edition provides a number of important features for business in areas of
mobile computing and business-class security.

To ensure customer satisfaction, only propose Windows XP Professional for
small business, government, schools and corporate customers.   For more
information on important differences between the Home and Professional

Thought you guys might find that interesting if you are setting up a samba
network at home and want to use
a domain name setup... with XP Home, you can't.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Cox
Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I release my IP number?

On Tuesday, Oct 23, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This question is directed to Paul Cox, and is completely unrelated to the
> original topic. I am sending thought the mailing list since someone maybe
> wondering the same thing. My question is about the kernel and uptime on
> Paul's signature, I assume that is generated automatically (don't think
> anyone would go through the trouble to add and update it every time a
> message is sent 8) ). Is that done with a certain mail client or it can be
> done with any mail client? and how? TIA.

I think you emailed me about this, but I accidently deleted your
message. =)  Anyway, it's a perl script that appends it to my .signature
file, and then that's piped into my mail client's signature (I use
Mutt).  It's easier than it sounds.  The original script (attached as
uptime.bak.pl) I got from Vincent Danen.  I then modified it (attached
as uptime.pl) to make it display a little differently.  It can also
write out the completed sig to a file, but that's currently commented
out, so you'll have to uncomment it.  Then you can just run it in a cron
job every 5 mintues or something.

Oh, and my setting for Mutt (to be but in your muttrc):
set signature='~/bin/uptime.pl ~/.signature|'

If you have any other questions, just let me know.

Paul Cox <paul at coxcentral dot com>
Kernel: 2.4.8-26mdk  -  Uptime: 2 days 22 hours 42 minutes.

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