If you have access to the DHCP server itself there are normally easier
ways to do this.

NT's DHCP control panel permits you to select and "revoke" assigned

Linux's DHCP server permits you to revoke leases via Linuxconf. Though
you can manually purge lease assignments by also editing the named
files. Linux's DHCP server interacts with DNS if both are properly set
up. When you get a DHCP assignation, Linux will update local DNS server
(which must be running) with the assignation and create a new DNS/NAMED
entry in the files.

By merely deleting this addition, Linux will reassign a new IP to that
machine when it joins the network the next time...

But of course, your "brute force", beat it over the head, approach works
very nicely too! ;)


|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
|Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 12:20 PM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I release my IP number?
|Replying to myself ... lol. I think I found the answer to my 
|own question: how do I release my IP number. So I thought I'd 
|share it and see how it if anyone call tem if it will work. 
|The problem was an obsolete ip address for my personal server 
|assigned via dhcp on my company's intranet. I had a new ip 
|address assigned, but the rest of the network didn't know it. 
|So my site wouldn't come up using my hostname, although it 
|would come up with the new ip number. So I had to get the rest 
|of the intranet to update their ip
|table(s) to associate my new ip number with my hostname.
|Scanning a FAQ, I found this:
|"Long leases can be disadvantageous in cases where you need to 
|change a configuration parameter or withdraw an address from 
|use. The length of the lease can mean the difference between 
|having to go to every affected client and rebooting it, or 
|merely waiting a certain amount of time for the leases to be 
|renewed. (Note: one workaround is to fool with the client 
|computer's clock). "
|So it seems that if I change my server's clock to a a future 
|time, maybe advance a year, that my ip lease will run out and 
|I'll get a new and updated number that will show up in the 
|intranet's ip tables(s)? I'm assuming that my original problem 
|was due to having a "lease" on an old ip number that was still 
|in effect.
|                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        
|                    Sent by:                     To:     
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
|                    newbie-owner@linux-ma        cc:           
|                    ndrake.com                   Subject:     
|Re: [newbie] How do I release my IP number?                  
|                    10/22/01 09:56 AM                          
|                    Please respond to                          
|                    newbie                                     
|Thanks. That didn't do that trick, but it was very helpful to 
|know anyway. I found out about network stop, too, because you 
|your lead :). Dont you just love newbs! But that didn't do the 
|trick. I wanted to release my ip number so I would get a new 
|one via dhcp. Sorry I that wasn't clear in my first post. The 
|problem was that the ip number I had was new and wasn't in 
|synch with my computer's listing in the ip table(s) on the 
|network. And I can't do anything to get those updated, so I 
|was trying to release my ip number, in the hopes the when I 
|got a new one via dhcp that the new one would be added to the 
|ip table(s). So restarting the network didn't do anything in 
|that regard, because I just got the same ip number back.
|What I did, to resolve this, was to just type in the ip number 
|that was in the ip table(s), that I could get by typing "host 
|tcob," the name of my server. It gave me the ip number from 
|the ip table(s) -- which wasn't the one actually current and 
|assigned to me. So I just entered it manually with netconf. I 
|really didn't want to do this, but I had to.
|Is there anything wrong with manually adding the ip assigned 
|to you with dhcp on a company intranet?
|                    Paul Cox
|                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        To:
|                    Sent by:                     cc:
|                    newbie-owner@linux-ma        Subject:     
|Re: [newbie]
|How do I release my IP number?
|                    ndrake.com
|                    10/20/01 06:46 PM
|                    Please respond to
|                    newbie
|On Friday, Oct 19, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|> How do I release my IP number, so I can have a new one assigned from 
|> my intranet dns?
|"/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart" (as root) should do the trick.
|Paul Cox <paul at coxcentral dot com>
|Kernel: 2.4.8-26mdk  -  Uptime: 3 days 19 hours 49 minutes.
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