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On Monday 22 October 2001 10:13, Paul Schwebel opined on the topic: Re: 
[newbie] DSL and 8.1, the saga continues
> Dave,
> Thanks for the clarification on my questions.
> Earthlink/Mindspring has 3 nameservers for their
> Mindspring customers (of which I am one). They are:
> I use the first two in my resolv.conf files and in the
> rp-pppoe setup. I can ping these numbers. Also, I
> can't seem to connect with their email servers,
> pop.mindspring.com and smtp.mindspring.com, so I'm not
> sure this is strictly a DNS problem, unless DNS is
> also required to resolve these names. Hmm, now that I
> think about it, I guess DNS must be involved.

Yes, you do need DNS to resolve those, too ;-)

> Is there a simple 'enable DNS' checkbox that I've
> missed?

No, Linux should try to use DNS by default, as long as you have the IP 
addresses in your resolv.conf.

You will need bind-utils installed. Do this in an xterm:
        rpm -qa|grep bind

and see if you get a bind-utils package. If not, you will need to install 
it. If you know what bind is (a full DNS server), then you may guess that 
bind-utils is just a set of tools for domain name resolution and other 
information gathering.

> Now, I used to have a SuSE distribution (7.1), but I
> switched to Mandrake because of what appeared to be a
> more user friendly wrapper around the OS. I was able
> to connect with SuSE on the box, and I can connect
> under Win, so I'm not having a hardware issue.

I have only used SUSe once, and it was a 6.x version. Back then (a couple 
of years ago), it seemed pretty good, but I ended up switching to Caldera, 
and then switching to Mandrake at the suggestion of a friend.

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