Too bad, I find the SBLive support in LM8.1 the best yet.

I've had no trouble other than initially having to figure out all the
nuances of configuration.

That the KDE control panel sets the Alsa-ctl config, sampling rate, Midi
settings, etc... Are all yet undocumented AFAIK.


|-----Original Message-----
|From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 10:54 PM
|To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; newbie
|Subject: Re: Alsa or xmms? SBLive configuration Howto.
|On Saturday 27 October 2001 08:53 pm, you wrote:
|> The key to configuring the SBLive boards seem to undo everything the 
|> installer does initially.
|> It selects a more generic SBLive installation that does add 
|in all the 
|> modules needed to do all the other things the board is capable off, 
|> namely Synth, Midi, Joystick, etc.
|> I'm using an OEM board, which come packaged only with a 
|CD-ROM, in an 
|> anti-static bag, (I buy them in 20's).
|> The Mandrake Control panel does a very good job configuring your 
|> board.
|> Remember though that some of the changes do not take effect 
|until you 
|> reboot, or so I've found.
|> This is strange for Linux, and I haven't been able to figure 
|out why. 
|> Restarting the ALSA and Sound services do not change this.
|> Once you have it configured, it will not remain "stable" 
|under KDE (so 
|> you hear sound) until KDE is set to the 48000 sampling rate.
|> I kept playing with the settings until I found out why KDE was 
|> occasionally starting up sound for me. Changing things to 48000 did 
|> the trick. Also it seems that I have to "kick in" the sound modules 
|> from time to time by hitting backspace in a Kterminal. Until 
|I do this 
|> at least once some apps don't appear to produce sound.
|> Anyway, keep at it. If you didn't remove all of the modules 
|during the 
|> configuration, KDE doesn't set things up properly.
|> I believe I removed all references in /etc/modules.conf and then 
|> rebooted, before running the Mandrake Control Panel.
|> -JMS
|> |-----Original Message-----
|> |From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|> |Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 8:19 PM
|> |Subject: Re: Alsa or xmms? SBLive configuration Howto.
|> |
|> |Ok, I didn't do it wrong. I  now show more stuff in lsmod but don't 
|> |see anything in midi in kcontrol yet.  Not a single midi device
|> |shows. I also
|> |don't have all the stuff your lsmod shows on sound. Midi being
|> |the most
|> |obviously missing. I wonder if it is something to do with
|> |having an OEM
|> |SBlive!  Doubt it but something is not configuring completly
|> |like yours. I do
|> |have more showing in lsmod than I did before I used your setup
|> |system.  I
|> |don't have any system notification anymore and still don't get
|> |xmms sound.
|> |I'll keep working at it.
|> |--
|> |Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842
|I give up, it's time for a different sound card or wait until 
|Mandrake can 
|get sound to work without having to go fumbling around in the 
|dark. The only 
|sound I get now is from the alsa player and when I click on 
|the midi icon in 
|kcontrol it segfaults and dumps me out of kcontrol.  Something 
|isn't working 
|in this install. The checksums say the d/l'd files were ok, 
|but sound with 
|SBlive really stinks, anybody have a better sound card to 
|recommend. Thanks 
|for your help Jose, but I think we sank in mid ocean here. 
|Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

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