
I agree with Sridhar, I'm not sure this is an appropriate thing to do. 
However, it is your site. 

Three reasons I don't think it's a good idea:

- AFAIK, Microsoft has backed down and is no longer doing this.  Now we
potentially look like the bad guys.
- I haven't used Mozilla, but I understand it's a bloated monster -- do
we really want to encourage a lot of people to try it and then swear it
and open source software off (semi-)permanently?  (Is it as fast as IE
-- I suspect not on a Windows machine.)
- Darn -- forgot the third -- maybe I meant to mention the same thing
Sridhar mentioned.  If I think of the third I'll follow up.

If you do it, some nits below:

Franki wrote:
> <html>
> <head><title>WARNING! Non Standards Compliant Browser Detected. Possible
> Security Risk.</title></head>
> <body>
> <h4>You are using: Microsoft Internet Explorer to view this site.</h4>
> Because Microsoft do not always support open standards, and
> they appear to change their level of support constantly,  we cannot
> guarantee that you will receive our site in the manner and
> with the functionality with which it was intended.<br>

In the US, we would say "Microsoft does not", most Americans would
consider "Microsoft do not" a grammatical error (even though we would
say "they appear" and "their").  I don't know the best approach in a
world community -- maybe "do" is OK if the rest of your site is quickly
recognizable as non-US, but otherwise it leaves a bad impression on
Americans.  It would be nice to change the sentence to avoid the issue
-- I haven't thought of alternate wording, but here are some random

You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Microsoft Internet Explorer: <make the following a bulleted list>
- Supports features that are not standard, contributing to the
development of web sites that cannot be viewed properly by all browsers.
- Does not support all standards.  <Is this true, except in the sense
that old versions don't support the newer features?  -- If not true,
delete it.  Plus, I kept that pesky "does" -- ahh, but wait, that's OK
in the King's English (I think, and, is it the King's English in
Australia?) because now the subject is "Microsoft Internet Explorer",
which is clearly singular(?).>
- Includes security flaws that can put your computer and personal
infomation at risk.  <Are there no security holes in Mozilla?  Do we
know that for sure?>

We suggest you download Mozilla (Free) from <a href
=""; target="new"></a> and show your
support for free software around the world.  Mozilla was created and is
maintained and advanced by open source programmers around the world.  It
is a fast, secure, and standards compliant browser. <But not yet

I think I'd delete the following, or reword it -- try an em (en?) dash
after "necessary", like "necessary -- you may".  
> This is not necessary you may have full functionality, we just can't
> guarantee it, and neither can anyone else other then Microsoft and its
> partners.

Randy Kramer

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