you should post that to the list,

I suspected as much...

They don't change,, why would they? what they do works so well...



-----Original Message-----
From: michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2001 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] My personal response to and Internet

They may appear to have backed off, but if you try and follow links from the
msn page to other ms sites they still block. msn messenger can't be
downloaded with ns 6.1
( but ns 4.82 works according to them).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Franki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 8:26 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] My personal response to and Internet Explorer.

> Microsoft has backed off now, because of attention and articles.
> (I may make a note of that in the warning.)
> It will be back when they can do it in a way that won't draw attention to
> themselves.
> Mozilla is not significantly slower then IE, I have both and there isn't
> much in it.
> IE6 is the first browser to come close to the standards, and it doesn't
> support Java
> applets or plugins unless you upgrade IE5.5 to IE6, then it keeps the
> support, other
> wise it does not. (but IE6 is no closer then Mozilla and supports stuff
> wc3 don't.
> I am not stopping them from using IE, I am just warning them that its not
> our choice
> of browser and detailing some reasons why.
> Also, as for us apprearing to be the bad guys, I can think of about a
> sites that
> detail why M$ are the baddies, so I might detail them as well, I just want
> to keep it
> short and to the point.
> We need to do something like this, we can't be underhanded about it like
> them, but we
> can't afford to sit by while they carry on..
> who knows, if M$ .NET takes off, we may one day end up in a situation
> nothing not
> IE will be able to browse any .NET supporting site...
> Do you think they wouldn't do that if they could get away with it????
> This is very serious,,  I really believe something like this is a good way
> of educating
> people... The truth always prevales, but only if people hear it.
> rgds
> Frank
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
> Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2001 12:12 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] My personal response to and Internet
> Explorer.
> Franki,
> I agree with Sridhar, I'm not sure this is an appropriate thing to do.
> However, it is your site.
> Three reasons I don't think it's a good idea:
> - AFAIK, Microsoft has backed down and is no longer doing this.  Now we
> potentially look like the bad guys.
> - I haven't used Mozilla, but I understand it's a bloated monster -- do
> we really want to encourage a lot of people to try it and then swear it
> and open source software off (semi-)permanently?  (Is it as fast as IE
> -- I suspect not on a Windows machine.)
> - Darn -- forgot the third -- maybe I meant to mention the same thing
> Sridhar mentioned.  If I think of the third I'll follow up.
> If you do it, some nits below:
> Franki wrote:
> > <html>
> > <head><title>WARNING! Non Standards Compliant Browser Detected. Possible
> > Security Risk.</title></head>
> >
> > <body>
> > <h4>You are using: Microsoft Internet Explorer to view this site.</h4>
> > Because Microsoft do not always support open standards, and
> > they appear to change their level of support constantly,  we cannot
> > guarantee that you will receive our site in the manner and
> > with the functionality with which it was intended.<br>
> In the US, we would say "Microsoft does not", most Americans would
> consider "Microsoft do not" a grammatical error (even though we would
> say "they appear" and "their").  I don't know the best approach in a
> world community -- maybe "do" is OK if the rest of your site is quickly
> recognizable as non-US, but otherwise it leaves a bad impression on
> Americans.  It would be nice to change the sentence to avoid the issue
> -- I haven't thought of alternate wording, but here are some random
> suggestions:
> You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
> Microsoft Internet Explorer: <make the following a bulleted list>
> - Supports features that are not standard, contributing to the
> development of web sites that cannot be viewed properly by all browsers.
> - Does not support all standards.  <Is this true, except in the sense
> that old versions don't support the newer features?  -- If not true,
> delete it.  Plus, I kept that pesky "does" -- ahh, but wait, that's OK
> in the King's English (I think, and, is it the King's English in
> Australia?) because now the subject is "Microsoft Internet Explorer",
> which is clearly singular(?).>
> - Includes security flaws that can put your computer and personal
> infomation at risk.  <Are there no security holes in Mozilla?  Do we
> know that for sure?>
> We suggest you download Mozilla (Free) from <a href
> =""; target="new"></a> and show your
> support for free software around the world.  Mozilla was created and is
> maintained and advanced by open source programmers around the world.  It
> is a fast, secure, and standards compliant browser. <But not yet
> complete??>
> I think I'd delete the following, or reword it -- try an em (en?) dash
> after "necessary", like "necessary -- you may".
> > This is not necessary you may have full functionality, we just can't
> > guarantee it, and neither can anyone else other then Microsoft and its
> > partners.
> Randy Kramer


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