> Linux versus WindowsXP HaredwareUntil hardware manufacturers start including
> Linux drivers with their products (at the very least even a biniary module),

Some hardware vendors do, obviously not enough. Many manufacturers are afraid
to release their drivers into an open-source environment, thinking that doing
so will aid the competition.  Many people aren't knowledgeable enough to
tweak the driver code, but they can at least run the compiler, and that's
important too :).

> Most consumers like to be able to buy 'hardware item X' off the shelf at the
> local shop and then expect it to work when they get home

Surprisingly, a lot of 'hardware item X' works when you get home, although
you might have to recompile your kernel and/or do some configurations. Some
'hardware item X' isn't going to work, naturally, like certain Winmodems

> prime example being win modems, simply telling people to buy a real modem is
> not the answer - your not the one who is out of pocket)

Telling them after the fact isn't going to help, obviously. But the end user
needs to be educated. Winmodems aren't the solution, even on Windows.

> I have a fair sized collection of items here that i cannot use with Linux as
> there is either no supoport, or the howto explaining how to get it working

I've had older legacy stuff (certain tape drives etc) that wouldn't work with
linux too. Eventually (as budget allowed) I gravitated towards hardware that
works, and works well with Linux (case in point - an HP scsi DAT drive vs a
Mountain filesafe QIC drive that only had some 80 megs capacity, where tapes
were more expensive).

When it comes to hardware, there are way too many choices - but it is possible
to go into a store with a shopping list of components and come out with a
system that runs with Linux well.

> Rick
David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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