On Wednesday 14 November 2001 04:07 pm, Epicurus wrote:
> So while trying to install some libraries (zlib-devel) so I could
> compile me somethin', I come upon this:
> These additional packages need to be installed...
> GConf
> ORBit
> aspell
> aspell-br
> bonobo
> bonobo-conf
> bug-buddy
> eel
> evolution
> fam
> gabber
> gaim
> A bunch of gnome and kde stuff, including gnome-core and kde-core
> various libs
> mozilla
> rpmdrake

> Now, aside from the fact that it's a bit hard to swallow that -all
> of that- is needed for this one library to work right

   Maybe not, depending on what you're tryin to install. Sayin
"some libraries (zlib-devel)" is not real helpful. Somethin like
'zlib1-devel-1.1.3-16mdk.i586.rpm' is more helpful (it's on the 8.1 
CD's, doesn't require any depencies that aren't on the CD's)
 /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS $ rpm -Uvh --test zlib1*
########################################### [100%]
package zlib1-1.1.3-16mdk is already installed
package zlib1-devel-1.1.3-16mdk is already installed

    If you don't wanna bother with all this on the CL, you can use 
Software Manager and just type in 'zlib1' on the search line. It'll 
figure out what needs to be installed and even prompt you for CD1, 
CD2 if needed.  That is if you haven't corrupted your rpm DB. If you 
suspect you might've, running (root) 'rpm --rebuilddb' might be able 
to get it back.

> those proggies are needed for zlib1/zlib-devel. This isn't the
> first time I've encountered a situation like this, though it's the
> only one I can document (I either gave up or ignored the problem
> before

   Maybe you could document it, but you haven't.  Often just a minor 
patch level upgrade can cause a dependency, either in the rpm you're 
tryin to install, or in the dependencies it needs.  Example might be 
the rpm you're tryin to install needs foobar-3.1mdk.i586, but you 
only have foobar-3mdk.i586 installed.  In this example, just a minor 
.1mdk patch level increase would indicate a security bug fix and rpm 
will rightly notify you that as a dependency, it needs to be upgraded.

   Another thing that is helpful when asking about dependencies, is 
to paste in the exact error mesgs you get when you do a test install
 $ rpm -Uvh --test kdenetwork-2.2.1-3mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
        libpng.so.3   is needed by kdenetwork-2.2.1-3mdk
        kdenetwork = 2.2.1-1tex is needed by                          
      Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
 chmod +x  --with -daisy_cutters /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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