On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Ethan Lee wrote:

>   many thanks. that worked, but may I ask why are there 2 differing
> "versions" of xinetd ?
> Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
> >you are using the xinetd from /usr/sbin. you may have issued xinetd from a 
>directory other than the one specified or you didnot type the fullpath.either go to 
>the directory
> >
> >  /etc/init.d/
> >
> >then execute
> >
> >  ./xinetd reload    or ./xinetd restart
> >
> >or do it in one swoop
> >
> >   /etc/init.d/xinetd [ reload | restart ]
> >
> >HTH
> >
There aren't two versions. The /usr/sbin/xinetd is the binary that runs
it. /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd is a script used to start, stop, restart. etc.
Many services have such init-scripts to initialize them. You'll notice
there are many in the /etc/init.d/. Also notice the name of the dir >>
init.d for initializing.

Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191 @ http://counter.li.org

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