Hi all!

I dual boot win98 + Mandrake 8.1

What would it take to solve this problem?
Would reinstalling lm8.1 be quicker and easier?

The situation seems pretty bad and a search on google makes me even more
confused as to what could be the solution.

KDE or any other window manager won't start anymore. The graphic login only
has two options: previous and failsafe, neither of which get anything
started. There are quite a few error messages that appear during the machine
booting sequence.

I recently added a new FAT32 partition using diskdrake and then formated it
under win98. I needed the new partitions so that I could install office2000.
(I unfortunately still need that because of the lacking chinese support
under linux - I still haven't been able to get it working properly - I am
told that sylpheed will allow me to ditch outlook express... yeeeepeee!
:-D ). I think part of the problem is related to this (something about too
many partitions being mounted...).

Here is part of the var/boot.log

Nov 22 22:55:14 localhost mount: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad
superblock on /dev/hda10,
Nov 22 22:55:14 localhost mount:        or too many mounted file systems
Nov 22 22:55:14 localhost netfs: Mounting other filesystems:  failed

***hda10 is the partition I recently added...

Nov 22 22:54:52 localhost loadkeys: findkeymap: No such file or directory
Nov 22 22:54:52 localhost loadkeys: cannot open file compose.latin1.inc
Nov 22 22:54:52 localhost keytable: Loading compose keys: compose.latin1.inc

Nov 22 22:54:55 localhost fndSession: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
Nov 22 22:54:55 localhost fndSession: perl: warning: Please check that your
locale settings:
Nov 22 22:54:55 localhost fndSession: ^ILANGUAGE = (unset),
Nov 22 22:54:55 localhost fndSession: ^ILC_ALL = (unset),
Nov 22 22:54:55 localhost fndSession: ^ILANG = en
Nov 22 22:54:55 localhost fndSession:     are supported and installed on
your system.
Nov 22 22:54:55 localhost fndSession: perl: warning: Falling back to the
standard locale (C).
Nov 22 22:54:56 localhost fndSession: Can't locate loadable object for
module File::Glob in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at
/usr/sbin/chksession line 73
Nov 22 22:54:56 localhost fndSession: Compilation failed in require at
/usr/sbin/chksession line 73.
Nov 22 22:54:56 localhost fndSession: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/sbin/chksession line 73.

***the part about local settings being unset puzzles me because I didn't
touch anything about that since install (a part from the user settings in

Nov 22 22:54:56 localhost mandrake_everytime: Building Window Manager
Sessions failed

Nov 22 22:54:58 localhost bastille-firewall: Setting up general rules...
Nov 22 22:54:58 localhost bastille-firewall: iptables v1.2.2:
Nov 22 22:54:58 localhost bastille-firewall: invalid TCP port/service
`linuxconf' specified
Nov 22 22:54:58 localhost bastille-firewall: Try `iptables -h' or
'iptables --help' for more information.
Nov 22 22:54:58 localhost bastille-firewall:  done.

Nov 22 22:55:21 localhost net_cnx_up: SIOCDELRT: No such process
Nov 22 22:55:21 localhost net_cnx_up: .
Nov 22 22:55:27 localhost last message repeated 3 times

Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: Starting Webmin server in /usr/share/webmin

Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: perl: warning: Please check that your
locale settings:
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: ^ILANGUAGE = (unset),
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: ^ILC_ALL = (unset),
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: ^ILANG = "en"
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start:     are supported and installed on your
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: perl: warning: Falling back to the standard
locale ("C").
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: Can't locate loadable object for module
Sys::Hostname in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at
/usr/share/webmin/miniserv.pl line 8
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: Compilation failed in require at
/usr/share/webmin/miniserv.pl line 8.
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost start: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/share/webmin/miniserv.pl line 8.
Nov 22 22:55:30 localhost webmin: Starting Webmin failed

Can anyone make any sense out of it and point to a solution... or I'd be
better to reinstall...

Thanks for your help,


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