Hello people

I have a problem and am trying to fix something

A directories I have on my /home/navin/apps/JBoss directory

has entries of files and directories. Now some of these directories do not 
have x in the permission. I do not know how they got stripped off or if they 
were not present at all. I tried changing ownership to myself, changing 
permissions with chmod +x to directories. It workds but not for 
subdirectories. It is very cumbersome to go into each subdirectory and do a 
chmod +x. And I do not want to do chmod -R +x * - for obvious reasons.

Now I was trying to cook up a small script which would go into each directory 
and do a chmod for me. For that I was trying to get 'ls -Rd' working but it 


only. I tried 'ls -Rd *' but it prints directories in the current directory 
only. It does not recurse, i guess, since I gave -d.

Can anyone please solve my problem with the chmod OR with the ls. 

thanks a lot.


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