I've managed to set up a very successful email server using fetchmail to
access my ISP, sendmail to distribute mail and UW-imapd to allow remote
access (both pop3 and imap). What I would now like to do is filter the mail
that arrives into folders ie. all the mail from this list to my 'Mandrake'
folder. I can do this with POP3 becasue it operates on the client side. But
I can't manage to sort mail on the server side into imap folders. I think
this should be possible using procmail?

Currently all mail is stored in /var/spool/mail/$user, each user is
allocated a single large file that contains all mail and folders (I think).
where do I put .procmail recipes for each user?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I really want to migrate to a
complete imap implementation.



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