On Saturday 08 December 2001 02:57 pm, Harm Bathoorn wrote:
> On Saturday 08 December 2001 02:09, you wrote:
> > > I swear: I will never purchase anything from Intel again if there's
> > > an AMD option available!!
> >
> >     Easy now Harm, lately AMD is the better choice, granted. Not too
> > long ago Intel was.  What's best next is always a toss up. Often a
> > monthly moving target, sometimes even quicker.  Specially
> > motherboards and chipsets they use.
> >  
> That's sound advice:)
> It was a fairly surcharged cry of frustation after a day (well almost)
> of experimenting, searching, cursing (in a silent way, I've got little
> people in the house:)) and hair pulling.
> I can promise it won't stop me experimenting, and certainly will not
> bring m$ back to this machine. That's a big period!!
> Freedom's expensive but worth it.
> Harm Bathoorn.

    Well, as much disdain as I have for M$ products, I still advocate 
keepin Winblows around.  It's good for playin games, 'bout all it's good 
for ;)  Besides, if you've already got it, you already got stuck for it.
Billy doesn't give any refunds, and thinks you're a crook if you try'n 
sell it or give it away.

   I boot W98 directly to DOS (pure DOS, no windoze overhead present). 
That's good for flashing a motherboard bios. Better than doin it from a 
DOS floppy.  Also, many bios upgrades for peripheals are windoze only 
apps.  That's reason enough for me to keep a minimum winblows install 
around, that and flyin airplanes ;)  

____Tom Brinkman _________________ South Texas, USA_____

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
                -- Will Rogers

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