Hi there again all,

I recently asked for some info on buying an Epson printer. Thanks Carlos
for you input I finally got to read it when I got home with my new
printer :-)

I found the site linuxprinting.org, and there it has a list of advised
printers. 1 of these is the Epson C80. This is the one I bought. The only
problem is I cannot get it to work properly with LM 8.1 :-( In fact, I
cannot get it to work at all. The pinter works (tried in that other OS
nobody likes to brag about).

I have tried USB, and also the Parallel port, but CUPS / lpd can't seem to
make heads or tails of it. The furthest I have got is for it to print out
*greek* text (no offence to the Greeks :-)).

Has anyone here the same printer? If so, have you gotten it to work, and
how did you get it to work? Using what connection (usb or parallel)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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