On Sunday 09 December 2001 15:23, you wrote:
> On Sunday 09 December 2001 10:26 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
> > On Sunday 09 December 2001 10:00, you wrote:
> > >     Well, this is all from weak memory, but with older ML versions
> > > the rpms were saved to a /.../..../grpmi/ folder. I don't remember
> > > the full path, just that the directory was grpmi/.  Now with 8.1, I
> > > just looked and I don't have this dir.  I also did a search for some
> > > rpms I know I used Mandrake Update for, and they're not saved
> > > anywhere. So it appears they were never saved, or saved to a location
> > > that is periodically cleaned out. Either way, I have the upgrade rpms
> > > installed, but they're not saved anywhere (eg,
> > > util-linux-2.11h-3.1mdk which IIRC, was a security fix, is installed,
> > > but the rpm is no where on my HDD's).
> >
> > Tom, that was it, and you are right, they seem to have done away with
> > it in 8.1. Bummer, as often as I try new and different ways of blowing
> > my system away, it is handy to have those rpms on disk rather than have
> > to re-d/l them. Thanks for looking.
>     You're welcome, but I was curious myself. BUT to tell'ya the truth, I
> don't bother saving that kind'a stuff anymore. By the time you might need
> it again, it's old'n stale anyhow.  Maybe that's why it's no longer saved
> ? 'Course if you back yourself into a corner and hav'ta do a re-install,
> it does save needin to do all the security/bug fix/enhancement updates
> all over again.
>    Jus' betch'a they're saved to a dir that's cleaned by a cron job or a
> re-boot. So if any of y'all get a chance, do a 'updatedb' right after a
> Mandrake Update, then 'locate -i <package_just_updated> and see for sure
> whether or not the rpm was saved.  If so, grab it while you can ;>
>    BTW, "as often as I try new and different ways of blowing my system
> away" too  ;)... I don't bother archvin' rpms anymore, cept for major
> stuff like Texstar's KDE2 rpms, Star Ofice, et al humongous d/l's...
> stuff like that
I have to agree, I was going through my CDs looking for an old download and 
noticed that I have three with various KDE 2.1.* files on them that will now 
make really good coasters with just a small swatch of duct tape to cover the 
hole.  :  )  Next time I do a d/l I'll see if I can find the file like you 
suggest.  Later,.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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