On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:40:46 +1100
Brian Parish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> frantically pecked out this message:::::

> I have a total of 4 Linux machines (OK, some of them dual boot, but let's not 
> talk about that) on a home/office LAN.  One of them is a dedicated server, 
> which offers some NFS exports.
> Everything works very nicely, except that programs take forever to load the 
> first time.  Just to fire up a konsole can take 10 seconds plus - this on a 
> machine rated at 2800 bogomips with lots of memory.
> After things have been up for a while (don't know how long, but many minutes 
> at least), everything is quick again.
> Haven't tested exhaustively, but it seems that with the LAN unplugged, none 
> of this applies.

This is a network issue if I've ever heard one. There is something not right with the 
network. I have a feeling it's got something to do with authentication somewhere on 
that LAN. Or, (the last time I saw this one of the machines responsible was a windows 
box - the novell client went south and killed the TCP/IP stack.) In that case when the 
TCP stack became corrupt it really dirtied the TCP communications on the network 
between that machine and the servers. While it didn't affect the overall performance 
of the network itself, it affected profoundly the machine that was having the trouble.

In that case the offending client was uninstalled, as well as the TCP/IP stack which 
was then reinstalled, along with a newer, upgraded version of the Novell client. 
Problem happily solved.

I'm presently having some similar problems on my home LAN when it comes to FTPing from 
a client machine to the FTP server here on my Mandrake box. Outside my network FTP 
server response is very quick, but locally on the LAN from time to time connecting and 
resolving that connection in order to do any transfers can take a few minutes.

hope this helps at least shed some light.

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 4 days,  1:00,  2 users,  load average: 0.35, 0.21, 0.26

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