On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 00:20:32 -0600
"Roy Barton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

> Thanx mark.. i tried it on my fathers machine and it worked.. i have him up and 
>going now.. except the whole winmodem thing in his machine too.. i'm still working on 
>that.. i crashed my machine a few mins ago.. and posted my problem if you could 
>help.. thanks.. 
> roy


i wish i could but winmodems aren't my thing. i'm using a USRobotics data/fax 
(hardware) modem "because" I absolutely hate those software modems. sure they're 
cheaper, but the rely on vulnerable software to do the job that good old hard 
could/should be doing. for me it was better to just spend a few extra sawe-bucks to 
get the real-deal.

sorry i can't be of any more help.

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