Ok, maybe it's just a coincidence, but I have a less than 2 year old
Dell Dimension XPS T550 that just crapped out it's second motherboard. It
first started having problems after I'd had it about 3 months and decided to
try out Mandrake 7.2 within three or four weeks it started having problems
booting. To make a long story a little shorter after about a year of
reformats, and nursing, and complaining to Dell, I convinced myself and Dell
support that it was the mother board. I replaced it, and like magic all
problems went away. About a month ago, I decided that my system had been
relatively stable for too long and decided to give linux another try. I
installed Mandrake 8.1. I have been using it continuously for the last four
weeks and was really starting to enjoy it. Unfortunately this morning my
system is once again dead. Motherboard again appears to have crapped out.
    Now personally I have a hard time believing that linux had anything to
do with it, but both times I had been running linux nonstop for approx 1
month when the problems first appeared. I would be interested to hear any
thoughts any of you may have on this.

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