On Fri, 2001-12-21 at 11:47, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> I'm planning on installing (not updating) LM 8.1 over 8.0 this weekend. I've 
> always been told that the PNP aware O/S option in BIOS should be set off, and 
> that's what I've been doing in the past. Insofar as I know, whatever problems 
> I've had have not been hardware related (at this site, problem root causes 
> run about 98% user, 2% unidentified). But in a recent post, Civilime advised 
> someone to set PNP O/S on, although the Mandrake installation manual says 
> off. Is this a change in the party line, or is the on setting used in 
> problematic situations?
> One other question: A major construction project has begun in my area that 
> will involve relocating the power lines. There have already been two 
> unannounced outages, and more are likely. I was lucky, and the current ext2fs 
> filesystem survived, this seems like a really good time to change a 
> journalled filesystem, either ReiserFS or ext3fs. As part of the preparations 
> for the LM 8.1 installation, I have copied my current /home/me to a separate 
> partition (/archives) that is ext2fs. Am I correct that if I do an expert 
> install, the / and /archives partitions can be ext2fs, and the balance can be 
> one of the journalled formats?
> Regards,
> Carroll

Well, ACPI sets a stack of hardware on the SAME interrupt, so it is very
wise to turn it off in the BIOS.

PNP-aware OS can be set on or off, in a board and BIOS dependent
fashion.  Try both settings  (install with one then Update with the
other, updates from 8.1 to 8.1 take care of changes like that as well as
changed video cards or pulling the hard disk and mounting it in an
entirely different x86PC) and report board, peripherals and setting that
worked best back to the list for the archives.


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