On Sun, 2001-12-23 at 19:28, Doug Lerner wrote:
> Followup:
> After unchecking the "Office" package option it seemed to proceed. But
> then the same error occurred again later on. Does the installation of
> packages actually work?
> doug
> Original post:
> While running the installer (boot floppy, CD-ROM local drive), I get an
> error at the step where I select and install packages. 
> After selecting packages, the "estimating time" screen comes up and then
> an error comes up:
> An error occurred
> invalid file ''
> pkgs::package File() called from /usr/bin/perl-install/pkgs.pm:1331
> pkgs::install() called from /usr/bin/per-install/install_steps.pm:371
> [a bunch of more lines along this vein...]
> install2:main() called from /usr/bin/runinstall2:29
> Then an [ok] button appears. After clicking that I am back at the package
> selection screen.
> What should I do to proceed?
> Thanks,
> Doug Lerner, Tokyo

This suggests a hardware problem.  If it is happening on one system and
not another, then check the CD drives.  If it happens on many systems,
it is likely the burner.  Other culprits are memory (make a floppy from
/images/memtest-x86.bin just the way you would make a boot floppy then
boot from it for a really thorough memory chack) and sometimes the
receiving hard disk (most notably WD drives run at more than 33MHz).
Windows will not show these problems, particularly the memory problem
since it occupies the lower  and only a little of the upper section of
memory and rarely when a "leak" occurs, the rest of the memory and linux
occupies all the memory it can, because the designers are of the belief
that ubused memory is wasted.


> ------------=_1009168129-11608-1339
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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