Antonio Sousa wrote:
> Thanks Kaj for your help.
> Isen you a copy of my two files: mtab and fstab.

OK Antonio, I'll try to help you out :

When looking at your "/etc/mtab" - file it seems that no CD-roms are
mounted, eh ?
To mount that one, several possibilities are at hand, included the
"console-way", but
personally I find it a lot easier to use a "graphics-way".

But first, I'll suggest a basic option :

In KDE, rightclick the desktop background and choose "create new", and,
from the
pull-down menu, select "CDROM device". Now, go to the "device"-tab and
open the new
"pull-down" menu. Here you should be able to select your CD-rom on
This action should place a new icon on your desktop. When right-clicking
that, it
displays some options like : "mount" , "eject" , "open" ..etc., etc....
If all is well, You just have to throw the CD into the "cupholder",
close it and then
click the CDROM-icon to display its content. Just like any other
directory. Likewise,
when you are finished and want to collect your CD, you can choose
"eject" from the icon.
That will automatically unmount it before ejecting. Cool, isn't it ?

Another method (the one I prefer) is to rightclick the desktop and
choose "run command".
Then, type "kdf" (without the quotes, of course). This will open the
"disk-free" program.
Here you can rightclick the CDrom and choose "mount device".
Furthermore, you can open
it right away in a file-manager. Cool, eh ?

Now, all this is possible only if your "/etc/fstab" contains the
appropriate entries.
As far as I can see from your "/etc/fstab", you do not have an entry for
a second CDROM,
or maybe a CD-Writer. That one should show up in a line, something like
this :

/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

Eventually, you can proceed to create another icon for this one, as
previously described.

Of course you have to edit your "/etc/lilo.conf" accordingly (the
"append" - line)
before any of the above actions can be effective. - Again : remember to
issue the
"lilo"-command (as root) after editing and saving the file. Then reboot
to let 
the kernel take notion of your changes.

BTW - Antonio, your questions about CDROMs are quite frequent on the
newbie-list, so I 
think it is a good idea to search that, if you run into further
troubles. In this spirit
I will post my answer to the list as well. After all, we are here to
learn from eachothers
experiences, aren't we  ?

Kaj Haulrich

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