On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, poogle wrote:

> I may be completely off base here but I'll try anyway, I have an Olympus USB
> camera which uses Smartmedia cards but is not recognised by any of the
> "photo" packages.
> Thanks to Ric Tibbets I am able to download from it by doing the following:-
> modprobe usb-storage
> mount /dev/sda1 -t vfat /mnt/cam (where /mnt/cam is the mountpoint I created)
> Checking Hardrake it shows my camera as a disk called /dev/sda, note it does
> not show it as /dev/sda1 which it is but then HDs are shown as /dev/hda &
> /dev/hdb, again no drive number. It may be that you need to modprobe
> usb-storage and then mount it as /dev/sda1
> BTW, I don't know anything about saving to such a device.
A drive doesn't have a number, partitions have numbers.

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Chad Young                               \______/
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Linux localhost 2.5.2-pre5 #1 Mon Dec 31 01:36:55 AST 2001 i686 unknown
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