> There's no point in a local machine going up to my ISP's nameserver to
> name/address mappings for another machine on my computer is there? DNS for
> the local LAN has to be handled by a NS that has authority for my LAN. Who
> else could that be than my local Linux server running DNS?

Yes only for himself, and all the systems on your local Lan need the same
hosts file information,
So they all do it for themselves. If it's not in the hosts file (not on the
local lan) it queries the nameservers.

> Here's my line-up:
> My fixed IP is, and it has a real name of
> julianop.swdata.com.
   I assume that the registered domain is swdata.com w/ ip

   I assume that the Linux box will have two NICS one NIC with ip
   which will be connected to the Internet (with a registered FQDN)
   and the second NIC with ip which will be connected to your
local LAN
   The local lan will use a local non-registered FQDN (maybe mydomain.zzz)
   And the Linux system will be doing Network Address Translation (Masq)

> I'm making julianop.swdata.com a subdomain, and will,
> when I get this all sorted out, run FTP, HTPP, SMTP, and POP3 servers.

Are you going to run these services on the gateway machine (above)?

> I have four machines:
> anoka.julianop.swdata.com (linux server at, DNS set to
> & 20),
> sierra.julianop.swdata.com (win98 at, DNS to,
> monsta.julianop.swdata.com (win98 at, DNS to, and
> pongo.julianop.swdata.com (win98 at, DNS to
> They are on my private lan, behind NAT. No DNS server in the world is
> to answer a DNS request from sierra asking what pongo's IP address is.
   Are you going to use port forwarding?
   Are you going to do VPN (Virtual Private Network)?
   Shouldn't these local lan machines use a non-registered domain name?

 > Sierra doesn't yet know that pongo is on it's own subnet - it could be
> in Outer Mongolia, so it sends a DNS request to the DNS server it's been
> told to ask for IP resolution.

      These machines are all on the same subnet

> Who fulfills DNS requests for local machines if not anoka? I've been told
> that bind doesn't look at /etc/hosts, which brought my world crashing
> Now what? :-)

 Is anoka the gateway machine?

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