I've just started the basic linux course too!
This site has lots of good links.
As for certification I think that there are only two that I would consider 
worthwhile. Explore the sites. I haven't made up my mind yet.
SAIR Linux which is distro independant
LPI which looks like it has heavyweight backers.
Also consider
and for inspiration try:


On Monday 07 January 2002 13:04, you wrote:
> Shane,
> You (and others) might want to check this out.
> Basic Linux Training course, at
> I signed up for it, and it just started today.  He only accepts new
> students at the start of the course, which is just starting -- if you're
> interested write to him, you  might still be able to get in.  It is free
> and on-line, but it might be more basic than you're looking for.
> Randy Kramer
> shane wrote:
> > well this isn't really on topic, but close.  ;)
> >
> > i used to be a network admin for a school system before becoming a stay
> > at home dad for a few years.  anyway, i am hoping to keep up on some of
> > my computer knowledge in the "between jobs" years by doing some studies
> > in my huge amounts of free time.  (other parents heard the sarcasm in my
> > voice)  i have (sadly) been reading through the MS certs.  but they are
> > pretty simple, and empty of useful learning, so i am wondering about
> > certifications for linux.
> >
> > linux being decentralized as it is, i am more worried about learning than
> > actually get a paper that says i can pass a test.  so anyone out there
> > have some experience in the area?  who teaches a linux course worth
> > taking? online/home/do it yourself type learning only, i can't take the 2
> > kids with me to classes.

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