On Sunday 20 January 2002 14:41, you wrote:
> After two months of intermittent headbanging with a floppy drive that
> just _refuses to mount_ (and the consequent rantings on this list), I
> remembered one thing I hadn't tried yet. I typed 'linux nobiospnp'
> at the boot selection prompt, and lo+behold, the drive mounted when
> I told it to.
> Now, I'd love to get the machine to boot automatically like this
> without me having to type it every time it's booting. How do I go
> about doing this?
Check in the archives but I believe that if you just edit the lilo config and 
add to the append line "nobiospnp" that it will boot without having to type 
it.  This is not something I have done, so again check the archives or 
someone who has done it please jump in here. HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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