Here's more than you probably want to know (and more than I understand)
on this issue - from a linux distribution site (gentoo), AMD and a
kernel developer. 

Bottom line: Seems like a problem. There is a fix. The fix may result in
a performance hit (and I have an Athlon XP 1700!). The kernel folks are
working on it!

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

(Read them in the order pasted in). (read the memory paging section
first as it has some context)

On Wed, 2002-01-23 at 23:47, shane wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 January 2002 15:29, you spoke unto me thusly:
> > > from what i read, it only affects machines which use AGP. and whose
> > > kernals are compiled to pentium or better type cpu's. the bug occurs
> > > becoz the athlon / duron processors have a bug when dealing with
> > > extended paging in conjunction with AGP. You can read more about it as
> > > well as find a quick fix to the problem here:
> > >
> >
> > Sorry if this is a stupid question, but would this affect an XP1800?
> actually, a good question
> yes i think it would, all the 500 (i think) and higher cpus are duron/athlon. 
>  i think that the "xp" is a naming convention only and is not actually a 
> different processor.  this is only my understanding though, i haven't 
> followed hardware too close in the last year or so...
> does anyone else know if the "xp" cpus are affected?

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