Robin Turner wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 January 2002 06:03, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
> > On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:13:49 +0200
> >
> >
> > on the second CD of the two CD install set you've got there are a
> > bunch of rpm packages for PERL. Install them to your system and
> > this should take care of the problems you're having. I can't
> > remember exactly which one is specifically which is why I suggested
> > installing them all.
> Well, I've installed everything that isn't obviously useless, and got
> a bit further, but now make fails a short way into reading any
> Makefile.PL (doesn't make any difference whether I'm using make on a
> downloaded file or using install with the CPAN module).
> Maybe I should go back to the monastery, but in the meantime a
> question ---
> If I compile Perl from source, am I likely to break anything? Will
> installed modules still work, even if Perl is in a different
> directory?
> Robin


It just sounds "make" itself is broken in some way. Why not just
reinstall the package for make first and see what happens then?


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