hello all,

     I am just loaded w/ questions / problems this
week.  Thank you all for being patient.

     This is my latest dilemna:

        Due to a series of accidents, all old versions
of GCC got deleted from
my Linux box (please, don't ask how.)  I downloaded
GCC 3.0.3 for Linux and
tried to install it according to the directions, but
the install is saying
that it can't find a valid CC compiler for this.  Now
I checked my /bin directory for cc and I found the

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       138461 Jan 17
23:18 cc*

     However, when I do a ./cc in the /bin directory I
get an error saying "bash: ./cc: No such file or

     As always, any help anyone can provide would be
much appreciated.



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