Yes, I linked /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd. I never can remember which order to place the 
arguments in...

I *Did* see the Animated version of Lord of the Rings on DVD recently, but I assume 
you were refering to the live action version. My guess is that they will release it 
next fall in order to (1) cash in in the Christmas buying season, and (2) so everyone 
can re-watch LOTR:FOTR before going to see LOTR:TTT. Then I expcet them to release a 
boxed set containing all three films plus aditional material so we'll all buy it 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ronald J. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 09:07:22 -0500
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ogle GUI

Jim Dawson wrote:
> Thanks, Editing .oglerc did the trick, I'm composing this message with
> 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' playing in the background.
> I already had a symlink in place linking /dev/dvd to /dev/cdrom, but it
> didn't work for some reason..

Hi Jim. Glad you got it working...

I know this is probably what you did but I'm going to mention it anyways. You
didn't want to link /dev/dvd to /dev/cdrom but the other way around. You
wanted to link /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd... (like I said, I know thats problably
what you did - just making sure!). In my case I had to relink my /dev/scd0 to
/dev/cdrom to also get CD-Player working again. (my old CD-ROM was an IDE
device not a SCSI and when I removed it, I'm assuming I broke the old link).

Anyways, as the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" so you
might just want to let things be... (I would if its working!) <grin>

Catch ya later, and happy DVD'ing!

PS Now if they would hurry up and release "Lord of the Rings" on DVD! ;-)


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