> Ravi Malghan wrote:
> Hello: when my computer boots up, the mouse shows up
> as a big square instead of a arrowed pointer. How do I change the
> mouse pointer?

Ravi, you may try this :

1.As I suppose you can get into a terminal/console, type "su" (without
the quotes) to become root.
2.Open a text editor of your choice (I prefer "Midnight Commander - type
3.Open the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and scroll to this section :

# **********************************************************************
# Graphics device section
# **********************************************************************

Section "Device"
    Identifier "Generic VGA"
    Driver     "vga"

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Trident CyberBlade (generic)"
    VendorName  "Unknown"
    BoardName   "Unknown"
    Driver      "trident"
#    VideoRam    4096
    # Clock lines

    # Uncomment following option if you see a big white block
    # instead of the cursor!
      Option      "sw_cursor"

    Option      "DPMS"  "on"

Here, you'll probably see a #-mark in front of the Option "sw_cursor" -
Remove it !
4. Save the file and quit the editor.
5. Logout or kill the X-server (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace).
6. Login again, and you're done - I think.

Kaj Haulrich

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