On Thursday 07 February 2002 06:46, you spoke unto me thusly:

> Linux has some problems.  To get the performance of IE5 and Word97 on
> Win95 with 48 MB and a 233 MHz processor, I needed 256 MB on a 700 MHz
> processor (running Konqueror, primarily).  (I run AbiWord on Windows,
> when I'm not running Word97.)

i have to say i am confused by that statement.  how do you compare the 
performance?  if you mean the time to open an app, that is illusion created 
by preloading.  if you mean raw performance, on the same hardware, one 
running 98se and one mandrake 8.0, setiathome (as a cpu heavy example) is 
almost 40% faster.  if you mean to actually edit or surf in those apps you 
mentioned, and you really see that kind of performance trouble, you need to 
look at your hardware or perhaps changing to the newer kernel (the one on 
the download cds does have a vitual memory problem) because that is simply 
"not right."  besides, 8.1 compares to win 2000 not 95, for far too many 
reasons to go into here.  suffice to say, morre's law (is that how you 
spell his name?) drives software as well.  ;-)

> Linux will get there one day, and is already there at the server level.
> The advantage of Linux is that it provides competition for Microsoft,
> which is why I'm sticking with it -- trying to learn more, improve it
> (if I can), and support it.

the irony, as much as MS fights Open Source in public, without it they 
would have an even worse product, and not just because of compitition....

> It is unfortunate that some people feel mislead (myself included) by the
> "promises" that we thought we heard about Linux.  I want to be careful
> about what I say about Linux -- I'd rather have somebody be pleasantly
> surprised than unpleasantly surprised.

while i agree i would rather be pleasently surprised, i am bewildered.  i 
was able, with some hacking, to make an old 486sx machine with 4 megs of 
RAM give me the text editing and html display i need for most of my tasks.  
no, there is no X display, no kde, blah blah blah, but i would like to see 
any other OS give me multiple terminals, 32 bit power, tcp/ip, text 
editing, and basic html display, in the same 5 or so megs of harddrive 
space on that cpu and ram.  WinCE requires more.  hell my visor has better 
specs!  in fact i prefer the visor for hardware reasons, the old laptop was 
just a learning project.

"He who laughs, lasts."

registered linux user @ http://counter.li.org/
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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