I feel I must disagree with this.  IF you run the latest KDE/graphical gui 
you need more ram, but 256 on a reasonably up-to-date machine (700+mhz) is 
enough for the job.  If you run an older, slower machine, and use a smaller 
gui such as Xfce, IceWM, etc (I've used Blackbox, but found it a bit too 
minimal), a P200 with 128 megs, or even less, will do the job.  Choose your 
apps carefully--use Opera for web browsing and xwc for file browsing, and you 
will do fine.  I have an older kernel, 2.1x something and RedHat 6.x on a P90 
with 48 megs and it runs fine--looks a lot like Win3.1, though.  

BTW, I'm typing this on a P233, 284megs, running Xfce, and it is FAST!  This 
machine is sitting on top of a (overclocked) P733 with 284 megs.  Both run 
8.0, and the primary difference is the gui of choice for the 733 is KDE and 
the one I'm running on this one is Xfce.  I use the "slow" machine most of 
the time because I really do prefer Xfce, and I can't see any performance hit 
at all, between the two.  Both machines have VooDoo 3's.

and that's my $.02


On Thursday 07 February 2002 06:46, you wrote:
> > Now can someone take what I just typed, make sense of it and throw me
> > back on track. I guess my troubles have tarnished my view on linux.
> Just wanted to add my $.02.
> Linux has some problems.  To get the performance of IE5 and Word97 on
> Win95 with 48 MB and a 233 MHz processor, I needed 256 MB on a 700 MHz
> processor (running Konqueror, primarily).  (I run AbiWord on Windows,
> when I'm not running Word97.)
> Linux will get there one day, and is already there at the server level.
> The advantage of Linux is that it provides competition for Microsoft,
> which is why I'm sticking with it -- trying to learn more, improve it
> (if I can), and support it.
> I think it is in the best interests of all of us to push for viable
> competition to Microsoft.
> It is unfortunate that some people feel mislead (myself included) by the
> "promises" that we thought we heard about Linux.  I want to be careful
> about what I say about Linux -- I'd rather have somebody be pleasantly
> surprised than unpleasantly surprised.
> Randy Kramer

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