On Saturday 16 February 2002 21:14, RichardA wrote:
> I've got a homebuilt Celeron 300 with 128 MB. It has run windows reliably
> for a couple of years (well, reliably for windows).
> Now I have MDK 8.1 on it, all will seem well until I play an avi, mpg or
> mp3. and then it will lock up - taking the keyboard with it. Running a
> couple or four programs at once seems to lock it up too.
> If I leave it running untouched for a few days (I proxy my laptop through
> it), it's fine when I turn the monitor back on.
> Once this has happened, I have to reset it, and it will often lock at
> "loading the window manager" or just after the splash screen goes - this
> could be a corrupted file in ~/.kde, and might not even be a part of my
> real problem (and it can happen in Gnome too).
> I know this is vague, and I don't expect a fix, but where should I start? I
> haven't found anything in the logs, but then it freezes in an instant, so
> it presumably has no time to write an error message.
> I hope someone can give me an idea where to start with this.
> Richard
> =======(later)=======
> It just happened again.
> I had gkrellm, menudrake a terminal and a konqueror folder open in KDE -
> surely that's not too much.
> Menudrake was saving, I went to move the folder view and my desktop turned
> into a still-life.
> I rebooted twice after that, and it locked as it showed the desktop, until
> I went in as root and back out again. If I turn off the monitor now, it
> will run for days, but I'd like to use it.
> Don't let me be the only person ever to go back to windows for the improved
> reliability!
> Richard

It sounds like it has something to do with X.  What version of XFree are you 
using - 3.3.6?  4.10?  

It might pay to backup /etc/X11/XF86Config and /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 files 
then log out of X and run XFdrake to choose a different setting for screen 
resolution, monitor type or driver.  You may need to try several different 
combinations before you get it right.

If that doesn't work, get back to the list.

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