On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 16:12:26 +0800
"Tonton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thoughtfully uttered these words to

> Have you create a swap partition for Linux? if not, create it now.
> >
> >Greetings:
> >
> >I recently installed Mandrake 8.1 on my son's machine which consists
> >of a 120Mhz processor and 84meg of ram. It now operates deadly slow.
> >My understanding has been that one advantage of linux is that it runs
> >fine on older equipment ; that it doesn't require the horsepower, so
> >to speak, that other OS's like windows does.
> >
> >Prior to installing Linux on my son's machine he was running windows
> >95. That moved right along. He likes linux but it is dreadfully slow.
> >
> >I am running a celeron @ 700Mhz with 512 Meg of ram. The speed is
> >much better but still slower than windows ME, which I migrated from.
> >
> >Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Since I began this journey,
> >I can't seem to get away from my computer. Though the learning is
> >slow, I am learning and enjoying experimenting. On the other hand I
> >have 3 boys in school, 3 machines networked together, and I need a
> >stable system with reasonable speed.
> >
> >Any comments would be helpful. Tnx
> >
> >Jeff - K1LE - SECT


What processes and programs are you running in the background while
you're using your desktop? I'm running 8.1 on an AMD K6-233, 160MB of
RAM and it runs fine. At the same time I've also got connection sharing
running for a LAN in the home, and FTP server and the Web Server running
in the background as well as the MySQL server, Samba and a few other
things. I said all that to help you see that this old machine is quite
busy since it's the internet gateway/firewall, LAN fileserver for the
entire house that also gets used as a development platform and
workstation All at the same time. 

So, if your 700Mhz Celeron is having some trouble running KDE then I'm
willing to bet there are other issues involved here and it's not the
desktop manager at fault. Especially since you've got 512MB of RAM.

There's a real good tool, kpm, that you could run and monitor whats
going on on your system while running your desktop. It will show you who
is running what and how much of the system resources they're using at
the same time. It's quite nice and very imformative.


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