not really what you are asking, but a "Cool Thing" that might help.

from your current manager, do a ctrl alt F6 (or F whatever ya want) to get 
a different term and login.  then type "xinit --  :1"  this starts another 
instance of X windows, it will run on F8 while your original was on F7 (i 
believe that is the default anyway)

in the plain X windows box you get then, type the name of the manager you 
want to try, like blackbox or enlightenment.  you will then have GNOME or 
KDE or whatever on F7 and E or whatever F8.  though this does take a fair 
chunk of RAM, it is not only good for playing around, but demonstrating the 
sheer power of the X system and your Linux box.  

heck get a good fast CPU and a gig or so of RAM and run 4 X sessions each 
with a different manager.  just change the xinit number.  invite your 
friends over, build dumb network terminals, serve X over the network to 
them, become an admin, take over the world!  muahahaha....... errm, sorry i 
have no idea where that came from.

On Sunday 17 February 2002 09:38, you spoke unto me thusly:

> "failed to open catalog, using default messages
> BaseDisplay:BaseDisplay: connection to X server failed"

-- a world without walls or fences, we wouldn't need windows or 

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