Tue, 19 Feb 2002 23:00:20 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, Hanan Shargi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> transmitted:

> Hi,
> I'm running Mandrake 8.1 on a dell inspiron notebook with a DSL connection (
I > connect to the building's DSL network through the lan card only -internal
IP > withinn the network )
> my problem is that when I resume working after a suspend mode, I cannot 
> connect to the internet, I have to reboot the system to be able to connect
to > the internet again, I did some reading and found about the : 
> # service network restart 
> no luck. Tried it with the: stop and then start option, still no luck I get
an > error saying: cannot bring up eth0, I have to reboot
> Any suggestions to get rid of   this problem ?

Do you connect via DHCP or with a static IP? If DHCP, check to see what your
lease time is -- you may have to re-up the dhcp client. If static, you may
have other problems. Can you ping your own interface after coming out of
suspend? Maybe you've got a hardware problem. You might have to try swapping
in another NIC as a test.

- C

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