greets john,

please excuse delays, i am in and out a lot, both day and night. so i am
not avoiding you, just that other things do get priority.

John Richard Smith wrote:
> Very many thanks for your reply,
> (forgive me, I'm confused , your name ? )

g = george

> Sorry to be a nuisance,

no one learning is a nuisance.

people who will not read man and manuals can be bothersome.

> or say to yourself, well , this is my chance to learn something.

best bet...

> Anyway you asked me:-

ok. i just wanted to be sure of what to tell you.

i will be sending you info to set up lilo.conf and fstab.

yes, lilo. as i said before, get it working, then you can enjoy
system and even set up grub. tho i really do not know why.

back shortly...


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