On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 20:50:09 +0000, you wrote:

>On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 23:52:25 +0000, you wrote:
>>> > Theproblem is that booting Windows from the Lilo menu I can no longer
>>> > see the D: drive under Windows.
>>this also sounds like the old bug regarding the 'relabelling' of the extended 
>>partition' to a linux extended partition, but from the archives this seem to 
>>have been fixed beyond lm 7.2, anyway 'fdisk /dev/hda' and 'p' to display the 
>>parttion types will tell you what partitions you have
>/dev/hda2           640      1149   4096575   1c  Hidden Win95 FAT32  

mounted on /mnt/win_d

OK folks, solved it.
1. use fdisk to change the partition to type c from 1c and Linux still
happily reads it.
1.1 reboot Mandrake - check with fdisk and the partition is type c
still.  Check, by copying all the data off again that the partition is
still readable.
2.  Boot '98, and hda2 dissappears
3.  Reboot Mandrake and hda2 is magically set back to type 1c (hidden)

4. Look under Windows '98 fdisk 
See 4 partitions, 
1       C: drive  Primary DOS
2       non-DOS (this is the 2bd 'Primary' partition
3       non-DOS
4       Extended

Recall DOS will only recognise 2 'DOS' partitions: 1 Primary (C:) and
1 Extended (containing logical drives D: E: etc)

Infer that partition hda2 (intended D: drive) can't exist as a 2nd
'primary DOS' partition under the DOS compatability rules and is
therefore marked hidden on '98's boot to stop the rest of '98 getting
confused. (isn't legacy compatability wonderful!)

- Use fdisk to mark hda2 as an extended partition, beside the primary
DOS one, so hda1 and hda2 boot under '98 as C and D.  This was
rejected as most of my Mandrake install was in the currently existing
Extended partition and I didn't want to loose it by trying to have 2
Extended partitions .. having learnt my lesson trying to have 2
primary partitions :->
- keep hda2 for use only under Linux despite it's fat32 formatting
- Trash hda2 and re-create it as a Linux partition (ext2):  This is
the route chosen.  If I really want to use it from Windows i'll run

I've now got: 
1 DOS primary (C:)  5Gb
2 non-dos       4Gb
3 non-dos       5Gb
4 Extended      25Gb

The DOS Extended partition contains only Linux partitions!. Perhaps I
could delete one and use the space to install a FAT32 formatted
logical drive there so I get D: back .... hmmm, maybe later :->

I've now got a 40Gb disk with 5Gb for Windows and the rest for Linux
.. which dual boots happily under Windows '98 and Mandrake 8.1

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