>Hi all,
>I purchased Mandrake 8.1 to see what Linux was like. I have a very limited 
>knowlage of window but I am quite adapt at pointing and clicking. I decide to 
>install it on my lap top but did not have sufficent resources. The next move 
>was the home computer. A 1 gig AMD KT7A/Riad (Riad disabled) with a TNT Vid 
>Card and a Maxtor 30gig HD, 384 megs of ram. It also has a Surfboard phone 
>up/cable dowm modem. WinME working it all.I settled in for what the book said 
>would be an easy install.
>I lost C:, I zapped out DOS, I got Linux in. I lost Linux, I lost windows. 
>I'm sure I saw a Penguin flip me off. I got windows back, to make a long 
>story short here's where I am now.
>WinME running, Linux just left on it's own, my 30 gig drive reads in windows 
>as 2 gig, when i look at in Linux install it shows blue/2 gigs for windows, 
>the rest is a white bar. All in all I wasn't too unhappy since I don't store 
>a thing on my drive but software, what's six hours to reinstall it. Oh did I 
>mention that some idiot forgot he did his taxs....zapped...the wife really 
>liked that one.
>I have come up with three conclusions to what may have happened 
>1. I have failed to pray to the God of LINUX correctly or not left enough 
>fish at the penguins feet. 
>2. Bill Gates is evil and personally hates me. 
>3. I have no dang clue what I am doing any and all mistakes are my fault. 
>I have opted for number three....but I have not ruled out the other two. I 
>would love to try LINUX, I would also like my hard drive back. I guess what I 
>need is a quick course in partitioning, spelled out idiot proof, and some 
>simpler instructions on how to install this as a dual boot system.
>Any help would be appreciated, fish can also be arranged. ;-)
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
>Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
OK  let's see

Here is what you probably want

/dev/hda1  FAT32   (Windows ME drive C--called windows_c in linux 
install) 2 G
/dev/hda2  FAT32  (Windows ME drive D -- called windows_d in linux 
install) 8 G
Note that you CAN install windows software to D: drive as easily as C.
/dev/hda3 swap  500 M
/dev/hda5 ext2   mount point /   250 M
/dev/hda6 XFS  mount point /usr  4 G
/dev/hda7 XFS  mount point /var  7G
/dev/hda8 XFS  mount point /home 6G
/dev/hda9 XFS mount point /opt 2G
Leave the rest of the disk blank for future use

Use an EXPERT install and when disk drake comes up, make your own 
partitions--you will not need to wipe out windows.  Make the extra 
windows partition right there with diskdrake, but be sure to format it 
using windows ME later before you try to use it.

It may be that your numbering will be different.  Express the following 
preferences as you create partitions

Windows_d  Primary
swap   Primary

All Others


If the windows currently installed is extended, then all partitions will 
be extended type and will be numbered differently--you do not have to do 
the numbering when using diskdrake.  The numbering can get out of order 
if you make a mistake and erase and recreate a partition during your 
creation, but that won't really affect anything, so just make your 

I gave you inflated /var and /home partitions because you may find those 
expanding.  The /opt is where commercial programs are supposed to 
install themselves, if they adhere to linux standards.

It is important to make your windows partitions first, because extended 
partitons are stored in a look-up chain and a linux partition occurring 
in the chain before a windows partition will make the winpartition 
invisible to windows. ( Yes, windows stupidly stops searching as soon as 
it sees a non-windows partition.)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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