I too have couple of partitions, thanks to fdisk (the Linux one). Great 
program, eats happily M$ partitions : ). 9 on hda, 6 on hdb. Red Hat 7.2 
on hdb and 'fdisk -l /dev/hdb' tells me:
   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1             1        49    393561   82  Linux swap
/dev/hdb2            50        56     56227+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb3            57       275   1759117+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb4           276      2491  17800020    5  Extended
/dev/hdb5           276      1040   6144831   83  Linux
/dev/hdb6          1041      2491  11655126   83  Linux

As you can see, it's not completely on extended; /boot and /home are on 
primary, only / is on extended/logical. Had no trouble while installing 
and works ok. hda is my "playground" (M$, MDK, Debian and Slak and 
FreeBSD will be there too when I just figure out how to rearrange the 
partitions) I guess M$ has to go ; ) 

This is what I found from RH Installation-HOWTO:
"Note that MS-DOS FDISK will give you an option to create a ``logical
  DOS drive''. A logical DOS drive is just a logical partition on your
  hard drive. You CAN install Linux on a logical partition, but you
  don't want to create that logical partition with MS-DOS fdisk. So, if
  you're currently using a logical DOS drive, and want to install Linux
  in its place, you should delete the logical drive with MS-DOS FDISK,
  and (later) create a logical partition for Linux in its place."

Yeah, it says DOS FDISK but maybe it applies to other Windows disk tools 
too... Go figure..

So, try creating the RH partition with (Linux) fdisk or DiskDrake. Or you 
could do it during RH installation. If this doesn't help then it's beyond 
my knowledge.

If I understood correctly, all your stuff is on one disk? Maybe you 
should consider getting another drive. Keep the important OS('es) and 
personal things on one drive and torture the other one... That way you 
won't lose everything if something goes totally wrong. 


On Thursday 07 March 2002 05:34, you wrote:
> Has anyone tried installing or had experience with RH 7.2?
> I have several partitions, thanks to Partition Magic 7.  Great program.
> However when I tried to install RH 7.2, I had a problem.
> Seems it will NOT install to anything but a primary partition.  What
> gives?
> My current drive looks like this:
> Windows FAT32 drive D:  Primary Part.
> Windows Extended Partion on same drive (physical drive): Primary
> Linux Mandrake install on same drive again: Logical (/Root)Ext2, Reiser
> Linux Mandrake install on same drive again: Logical (/Swap),Ext2
> Linux Mandrake install on same drive again: Logical (/Home?)Ext2, Reiser
> Linux: Logical, soon to be I hoped the RH 7.2 partition, Ext2
> Now, PM 7, sees those partitions as EXT2 partitions.  And only 2
> partitions are Primary as you can see.  The Fat32 partition is "Hidden"
> as only one Primary may be visible to Windows 2k at once.  The visible
> one being the extended one *though I'd like to change that, I can't find
> a way to do it yet, and make the Extended partition the hidden one*.
> Anyway, when I go to install RH2 it gives me an error saying it can't
> install to anything but a Primary partition.  Now, in the installer I've
> tried to "force" a Primary partition, but no go.
> Any ideas???
> Thx,
> Femme

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