do you have numbers in you password? is the num lock light on when you type 
the password and are you using the numberpad keys?

On Friday 08 March 2002 17:19, you wrote:
> Paul F. Fraley wrote:
> > I DL'd and upgraded with the MDK 8.2 beta4 cd-ISOs yesterday on a working
> > 8.0 installation.
> i am saying with 8.1. and skipping 8.2
> > I was able to log in as root from the graphic login screen one time. 
> > After that I tried to log in as root, ROOT, and Root, getting a "login
> > failed" message.  Same result from the command line.
> should _always_ be 'root'. but then we are dealing with electronics.
> > I was able to log in as a user, and su to root using the same password
> > that did not work for root.
> normal
> > As su, I did "passwd root" and entered a password.  Didn't help with
> > root, worked fine with su.
> see below
> > I thought the su and root passwords were the same?  Or was the login
> > failing because there was no user named root somehow?
> they "should" be. not likely
> from what you write, you may have security set at max,
> no root log in from console.
> nothing wrong with that. you should not log in as root anyway.
> you should find that at lilo boot prompt, if you enter
> 'linux init 1' or 'linux init 3', you will boot to
> 'maintenance/single user' or 'multi user/command line'.
> at init 1, you need no password, at init 3, users log in with
> password, still no root. again, high security level is set.
> > I'm fixed now, I did an install to get rid of the upgrade, since there
> > were several problems.  But I would still like input on how to fix this
> > should it happen again.
> so is my ex-girlfriend's cat, but he is not very happy about it.
> [clean install always better than upgrade.]
> it is not broke. do not try to fix it. leave it alone.
> it is that way for a reason. it is that way to make things more secure.
> it is a feature, not a bug/fault/error.
> until you learn more about unix/linux security, _do_not_ weaken system.
> should by some chance you need to boot unsafe, boot to init 1.
> if others are going to have access to you system, add passwording
> to 'lilo.conf' run 'lilo' and remove file from system.
> put a lock on boot floppy drive. ;)
> hth.
> iat.
>  being that you are new to open world of unix and linux,
>  i would suggest you find some good books on security.
> btw.
>  tabs are a waste. blank lines break thoughts. 79 line wrap is nice.
> tc,hago.
> g
> .

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