Hey Steve, sorry for upsetting your feelings ! - I just wanted to
forward Dvorak's question : are we too geeky ? - Are we fanatic lunatics
? - Do we really want to scare people off ? - Personally I don't think
so, but I see his point : It's fun to own a Ferrari when all the
neighbors drive Fords and Toyotas. It isn't fun anymore when the family
next door gets their Ferrari too !

You wrote: "Legendary?! Only in his own mind. He's a M$ shill, you want
an unbiased opinion from him?!"
Nope, just an opinion. The bias I can handle myself. But are you right
about the M$-thing ? - Some people tend to consider Dvorak a
Microsoft-basher of the premier league. I don't care, but I must admit I
like his wording.

You wrote :"BTW the link would have sufficed."

Agreed ! - Sorry !

Kaj Haulrich

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