El Dom 10 Mar 2002 22:44, escribió:
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 01:18:13AM +0000, Rick [Kitty5] wrote:
> > > > 1. Adobe Photoshop. This is my most controversial assertion.
> > >
> > > or brainless.  i will take gimp over photoshop for 85% of everything
> > > you can do in either.  better off if he brought up games.
> >
> > He is right, Linux needs some ass kicking productivity\creativity
> > applications and for most photoshop is king of the hill.
> >
> > Gimp!=Photoshop by any stretch of the imagination
> Well having worked on PhotoShop often, I can tell you it is highly
> over-rated. GIMP does everything and has the advantage of using a better
> OS for the editing tasks. As I said previously the only thing that GIMP
> doesn't do that PS does is CMYK. The Pantone colour matching system is
> proprietary and prolly won't work with GIMP in the foreseeable future.

well, photoshop by itself can do little more tan gimp, really.. but i think
the great power that photoshop wields is the incredible amount of free 
plugins available for it... 
i mean you do not need to invest any more money than you did when you 
bought it.. ( yeah, i'm aware gimp is free )and.. well.. i got more plugins
on it than i can count.. i mean it's just endless.. 

just so you get this, i made a backup on cd of my plugins folder......
 700 mb out of 89 kb files....... 

in my opinion, photoshop is above the gimp just for now.. 
because it's so expandible.. 

..but anyhow, linux is just a newborn in multimedia stuff, because it 
was not designed with that in mind.. was it?

and i agree with whoever said ( don't remember now ) that that guy should
have brought the "games" issue up as well, and he would be right to do so..

about the article, i agree with it partially.. i'd twist the order
of that list a little, of course... in my opinion, if you 
are going to use linux in an office, ms-office compatibility is vital,
not only for in-office use, but to send and receive from/to many places
that will surely be using the ms suite... 


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