I won't comment on the tech stuff however ....

sda wrote:

> then the desktop wars will begin in earnest. Personally I don't care if
> Linux succeeds in the desktop market. I do pretty well everything
> from the cli or a minimalist GUI, I can't stand either GNOME or KDE.
> I don't need a "packaged" desktop distro to accomplish what I wish to
> do.

And I'm glad you allow for ppl like me who need a "windowsy" WM for
now.  Give me (us) a break.  We're not all born with the need to use
minimalist stuff.  And frankly, if linux goes to be a windows-killer on
the desktop, great!  Maybe someday the world will be free again of BS
that markets like M$ promote.  *I can dream right?*

> However I understand and accept that this isn't what drives Mandrake.
> All power to them, though. Mandrake is a good distro, it just won't be
> taking on the people that are attracted to XP any time soon. M$ has
> weaned people on a "dumbed down" OS, and judging by comments here,
> people really just want a free or reduced cost version of windoze. Folks,
> this aint windoze, never will be, so suck it up, and learn how Linux really
> works, without all the KDE/GNOME eye candy - if it was like windoze, then
> it wouldn't be a *better* OS.
You're right, its not windows.  However a good portion of us need time
to learn, adapt & grow with this OS.  I don't give a damn how easy it is
for you or other ppl who've used it for a long time to get things done. 
For ppl like me, its damn hard.  I mean lets face it, Linux is NOT
newbie friendly.  Regardless of how its packaged, it isn't.  Otherwise
lists like this wouldn't exist & we wouldn't be asking for ppl like you
for help on how to make an alias.  Or get our sound running & working
dandy. :)

Not trying to beat on you, just pointing out that Windows *despite its
"dummy" status as an OS* is what it says it is: Newby friendly.  Linux
is trying to say that too.  Guess what?  So far it fails.

Which is too bad, but then for some ppl, being difficult to learn is
half the fun.

Either way, we all will use the programs/software we find best for us.  


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