Is it just *ME*!?

I tried the suggestion for doing an update install of the Mandrake 8.1 and
the whole thing went *HAYWIRE*!

For some reason, it still wanted to mess around with *partitions*!   I got
mixed up and must've clicked the wrong button and it destroyed my partitions
set up... Totally unrecoverable!... My regular windows boot couldn't even
*see* the C:\ drive!

I lost GIGABYTES and GIGABYTES of data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the past 4 hours I have been salvaging my machine.

I am up and running again (thanks to a recent move to making backups of at
least *some* of my stuff) Oh, but the *LOSS*!!!!!   :o(

I *really* want this to work... but I can't help feeling I'm just a dumb
prick to be meddling in things beyond my ken!

But... on the positive side, I have a fresh new machine, with 10 GIGABYTES
of free space on it (where before I had around 200MB)... and I'm at the
stage where I can do a 'from scratch' install of Mandrake 8.1 (hopefully
with some guidance so as to avoid another mishap... or disaster mor like).

I want to re-install... but I'm totally scared I blow it all to hell
again.... At least now I've a *lot* less to loose.

Oh Man.

That really freaked me out.


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